Get answer of your all questions and doubts! ➤ Ask Question QuestionWhat will the result given by the following?(a) type (6+3)(b) type (6-3)(c) type (6*3)(d) type (6/3)(e) type (6//3)(f) type (6%3) [Computer Science Class – 11 Sumita Arora solutions. Chapter 6 – Data Handling.] Answer (a) int(b) int(c) int(d) float(e) int(f) int Related Questions:How are these numbers different from one another? 33, 33.0, 33j, 33+j The complex numbers have two parts: real and imaginary. In which data type are real and imaginary parts represented?How many integer types are supported by Python? Name them.How many string types does Python support? How are they different from one another?Ask or look other questions and answers.